Advanced Level Qualification
Academic Qualification
Applied General

A Levels
Tech Levels
Specialists in all areas
ASSET accounts have no limitation on the number of reports throughout the year.
Our team is equipped with the knowledge to support you via phone, web or email on the use of ASSET.
ASSET provides e-resources to assist Ofsted, ASP, Leadership and Management.
Guidance Notes
Guidance Notes are provided to assist you in interpreting ASSET for schools data and explaining the calculations.

Free Upgrades
ASSET is regularly updated to implement new changes in Education.
We are ISO 27001, Cyber Essentials, QG-GDPR Fundaments Certified.
Download reports into Word, PDF and/or Excel.
Video Tutorials
Videos are available to all users to enable efficient use of the software and effectively interpret and analyse the data.

ASSET has a positive impact
Be confident in reporting KS5 progress and attainment to leaders and governors.
Analyse the data for your school and identify key issues which need attention, including relative strengths of different subjects.
Improvement Plan
Ensure you have clear priorities within your school action/improvement plan which address the key issues raised by the data.

Improving Standards
Be confident that your current data management systems are effective in supporting your drive for improving standards.
Prepare for Ofsted inspection.