Whole School Benefits
Headline Figures on Exam Results Day
Accredited Analyse School Performance Data Supplier by DfE.
Compatible with other platforms to import or export data. All your data in one system.
All registered members of the school community can have access anywhere at anytime to our safe and secure site.
Expert Advice
We use Leaders in Education to advise us of best formats and contents to include and respond to national and local initiatives quickly.

Evaluation System
We offer training and support on the use of our system and many other courses.
Schools are able to filter groups easily to identify trends within classes, year groups or across schools.
ASSET can be adapted to suit the needs of your School.
Advanced Analysis
Professional, colourful, up-to-date reports ready to use at the click of a button or exported for use in another document.

Versatile Tracking, Comparisons and Reports
School Performance Analysis Report
Governors Report
School and Pupil Progress & Attainment 8 Analysis
Subject Analysis by Class